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Simplification is what we live and breathe for and KISS is our mantra. Why make things complicated and costly, when you can simplify them and save money?

Complexity is seldom something that a company has implemented on purpose, but most often something that has evolved over the years and is now part of the company’s culture or way of doing things. In this situation it can be hard for a company to make the change without an external catalyst to spark the process and keep focus on the goal.


Our Simplification service is all about making life simpler for everybody, thus saving time that can be spent more productively generating revenue.

We go in and assess different aspects of the business, including, but not limited to the following areas:

  • Strategy
    What is the company’s overall strategy?
    Is it formulated and delivered to employees and customers in a clear and understandable way? 
    Do the employees know what is required of them and do the customers know what to expect?

  • Product or service
    What are the company offering its customers and how well are the product/service portfolio maintained?
    Is the product or service current and in line with what the customers demand and is it presented and delivered well?

  • Processes
    Where and how they are applied?
    Who is using them and how they are used?
    Are they clear and precise or do they contain redundant tasks and vaguely defined descriptions?


  • Organization
    How are departments organized and how are roles and responsibilities divided among the departments?
    How are the department’s interactions and relations?
    Would it make sense to reorganize departments or functions?


  • Management and People
    What is the company culture?
    How well do the managers know their areas and are they listening to the employees?
    How meetings are conducted and are they focused on the task at hand?


  • External factors
    How is the competition or a shifting market handled?
    Is the company facing increased regulatory or compliance requirements?


Our approach is simple and straightforward. We view every project as ‘eating an elephant’, in the sense that we do it bite by bite. In real life that means that we run the Simplification Project in iterations.

This way we ensure that the client’s organization can absorb the changes in their own pace, thereby maximizing the success rate.


It is important to stress that throughout the whole project, we work in close cooperation with the client.

We start by assessing the current situation and based on that we set realistic goals.

Based on the results of the assessment, we evaluate the potential gain and the effort required to implement a change for each finding and from this we compile a prioritized list of areas of improvement (AoI’s).

From the prioritized list, we select a limited number of AoI’s that we will focus on in this iteration of the project.

Planning and Implementation is the next step, where we examine each AoI and with respect for available resources and other constraints, we plan and execute the changes in close cooperation with the client’s organization. Depending on resources and other factors, changes are then implemented in the pace that is appropriate for the clients organization.


When all the selected AoI’s have been addressed, we wrap up this iteration by doing an evaluation of the process and the goals achieved.

The aim with the evaluation is to make sure that we clearly understand if anything should be improved in the next iteration.

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